From Law to Business: The Unique Format of BEST LEGAL 2024

From Law to Business: The Unique Format of BEST LEGAL 2024

  • Вторник, 08 октября 2024 09:22
    • Photo: Successful Business Photo: Successful Business

    This week, on October 10, the BEST LEGAL conference will take place for the 10th time in an unusual format. In addition to plenary sessions, the conference format includes 1-on-1 meetings, moderated networking in small groups, and an evening cocktail event.

    A Unique Theme

    The theme of this year’s conference is Lawyers Meet Expats. The idea is for the participants in the room to be evenly split: half Cypriot lawyers, half expatriates living in Cyprus. During the first plenary session, they will discuss the issues they face. In the second session, lawyers will share their experiences in resolving these challenges.

    A New Format

    BEST LEGAL will follow an un-conference format, meaning that the content of the plenary sessions will be shaped in real time. Delegates will send questions and topics to the screen near the stage, and the moderator will create the agenda based on the interests of the audience in the room. Even if not all questions are addressed immediately, the conference organizers commit to obtaining answers from experts, recording them, and sending them to the delegates afterward.

    The Morning Starts with Coffee

    All delegates are registered on a special platform where they can schedule personal meetings. As of Monday morning, over 50 meetings had already been scheduled, and this is with the platform being open only since Friday, and many delegates still yet to complete their profiles. Clearly, the 1-on-1 meeting format is in high demand.

    Expats Share Their Experience

    At 12:00, the first plenary session will begin. Conference founder Natalia Kardash has selected participants to provide a broad perspective on business in Cyprus, not only in terms of topics but also in the expertise and nationality of business owners. All expats are well integrated into Cypriot life and have extensive experience working on the international stage. The moderator for this discussion will be Sara Gunnervik, a partner at a Swiss company with operations in Cyprus and five other countries, serving clients in 40 countries.

    The discussion participants include:
    • John Abraham, founder and CEO of Aeon Payment Technologies
    • Vladimir Vishnevsky, partner at Quonota Investments
    • Sergey Orlovsky, founder of Nival, Astrum Nival, Helio Games,, and

    Their stories will illustrate the challenges faced by foreign business leaders and Cypriot companies working on the international market. This will be of interest not only to legal professionals but also to other conference delegates, as the panelists are successful business founders across various sectors. They will explain to Cypriot lawyers what the modern business world expects from the legal profession and suggest areas where Cypriot lawyers need to develop to meet these demands.

    Lawyers Share Examples

    The second plenary session is an opportunity for lawyers to share their experience, warn against mistakes, offer new ideas, and inform the audience about new laws, regulations, and trends.

    The discussion participants were selected based on their expertise and interests in different topics:
    • Alexey Rudenko, founder and managing partner of A.Rudenko & Co LLC, will talk about the European Blue Card for skilled professionals and the specifics of employment and restructuring in international business.
    • Marilia Paraschou, founder and managing partner of M. Paraschou Law, has studied legislation related to Cyprus’s emerging high-tech industry and the new European directives and initiatives supporting it.
    • Stella Koukounis, founder and managing partner of Solsidus Law, specializes in legal support for event organizers and in obtaining permits for solar parks—two less obvious but significant topics for many companies.
    • George Economides, founder and partner of E & G Economides LLC, vice president of Totalserve Management, will discuss new legislative developments affecting business in Cyprus.

    Moderator Natalia Kardash has chosen questions that concern many businesspeople. However, the attendees will shape the content of the discussion in real time.

    The Main Thing: Ask Questions!

    The topics of the discussions will be guided not only by the moderators but also by the delegates themselves. They will anonymously submit their questions to the screen, vote for the most interesting ones, and prioritize topics. This means that the conversation will be driven by the audience. This is organized for the first time at the BEST LEGAL, and the approach is designed to help delegates get the most out of the event.

    Moderated Networking

    After the plenary sessions, conference delegates will be divided into groups of 6-8 people to meet and interact with the help of moderators. Over the course of 90 minutes, each person will meet 12-15 other participants and be able to discuss topics of interest in detail.

    Festive Cocktail

    The conference will conclude with a festive cocktail party, where speakers from all 10 years of the event are invited.


    Tickets can be purchased via the link here. Tickets for the plenary sessions are €190, while participation in the full program, including 1-on-1 meetings, moderated networking, and the closing cocktail reception, costs €290.

    The conference will be held on October 10 at Four Seasons Hotel:
    • 10:00–11:30 – Individual meetings
    • 12:00–15:00 – Plenary sessions
    • 15:30–16:45 – Moderated networking
    • 17:00 – Festive cocktail

    For inquiries, call: 25 590530

    Supporters: LEXTAX и 4Sight Group

    Media Partners: BriefFast ForwardDigital Tree

    Communication Partners:
    CBG Group 
    Panis Media  


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