Fiduciana Trust: 15 years - straight up. Secrets for success from Anna Homenko

Fiduciana Trust: 15 years - straight up. Secrets for success from Anna Homenko

  • Пятница, 19 июля 2024 11:53
  • A few years ago, we published an interview with Anna Homenko, the founder of Fiduciana Trust. She shared her ambitions, vision, and future plans. This year, the company celebrates its 15th anniversary. We invite our readers to take another look into the world of Fiduciana Trust to assess its growth, uncover the secrets of its success, and explore its future prospects.

    The past few years have been marked by a continuous cascade of crises — from the COVID-19 pandemic to current economic and geopolitical disruptions. How did the company navigate these events, how did they impact the business, and what new strategies were implemented to ensure resilience and growth?

    The global environment is changing, and so are people. 15 years in today's fast-paced world is a significant period. It’s interesting to examine Anna Homenko's evolution over this time. What is her personal secret to successfully managing a business while balancing personal life, raising four children, and maintaining high activity in various spheres? What lessons has she learned, and what new goals does she set for herself and her company? Let's find out.

    What inspired you to start a fiduciary services business in Cyprus?

    Since childhood, I have been inspired by my father, a successful Ukrainian politician. He always supported my aspirations. His advice played a key role in my career choice in the legal and political fields. My education at the University of Keele (one of the top 15 British universities), where I studied law and international politics, laid a solid foundation for my future growth.

    The decision to start a fiduciary services business in Cyprus was driven by unique opportunities. In 2004, Cyprus became part of the European Union, significantly boosting its economic stability and attractiveness for business and investment.

    Additionally, I saw insufficient career growth opportunities at my previous jobs. I needed more space for professional and personal development. The desire to grow, expand my horizons, and realize my ambitions became a strong motivator for starting my own business. I was driven by the desire to create something of my own, to build a business that would help people manage their assets and achieve financial success. Moreover, I realized that the fiduciary world was no longer the domain of boring men in strict business suits. The old methods were obsolete; "fresh blood" was needed.

    Family Office strategies were becoming increasingly promising. As a CEO in a large international company, I saw that the fiduciary market at that time was impersonal, with a serious lack of a personal approach. I found my niche: I believed that every client deserved the highest level of fiduciary service, that they were not just a "number in a contract" but a person! I wanted to provide individual solutions and high-quality services to my clients, which was made possible by my experience and knowledge in law and international politics, as well as my boundless faith in myself and my abilities.

    Thus, my father's example, my education and professional experience, unique opportunities in Cyprus for fiduciary business, and my desire for personal and professional growth were the main driving forces in creating and developing my company.

    What new services have you successfully integrated into your company in recent years in response to current client demands?

    Consulting services for strategic tax planning and asset protection have become particularly in demand.

    Given the negative geopolitical trends and associated instability, we have introduced immigration services, permanent residence, and citizenship in Cyprus, the EU, and other countries. Additionally, we actively respond to technological changes by offering business relocation for IT companies to Cyprus and other countries, intellectual property protection, and tax incentives for manufacturers.

    Our company provides full support in the IT sphere, offering clients advanced solutions.

    Recently, your presence on social media has significantly increased. What role do social networks play in promoting your business and interacting with clients?

    In a world where trends are set through social media, our presence on them becomes a necessity. Today, if you are not on social networks, you simply do not exist as a company and business. We use social platforms not only to expand our audience and increase brand recognition but also to actively communicate with clients, maintaining an open dialogue and promptly responding to their questions. We encourage our clients to post useful content on social networks, essentially making their media strategies more modern and effective. In our own posts, we inform about new services and deadlines, share useful materials, and update on relevant changes in our industry. Today, social media is the fastest and most effective way to deliver useful (and free) information to clients. As the founder of the business, I also openly express my views and actively interact with followers, developing my business and communicating with each of them.

    How did you develop your personal brand? What advice can you give to those working in this direction?

    Developing a personal brand is a complex process requiring personal involvement, strict time management, and financial investments. It involves a whole range of factors: image formation, value strengthening, active online presence, broadcasting expert opinions, networking, authenticity, and consistency in actions.

    I constantly learn from the best mentors not only in the professional field but also in personal development. This, in combination, allows me to be an interesting person with a broad outlook, capable of inspiring others. Of course, I am surrounded by a team of diverse specialists. Their help is invaluable, but proper team building also requires time and effort. Imagine hiring fifteen employees simultaneously. It’s not as simple as it seems.

    Анна ХоменкоFrom which renowned teachers or mentors do you learn? How does this influence your professional and personal growth?

    Recently, I trained with Ekaterina Ukolova, an experienced consultant with over a decade of experience. Her method of 850 growth points is applied in more than 1000 niches and has been recognized in world publications, including Forbes and RBC.
    Just four days ago, I started training with Maria Solodar. Maria is the author of the first book in Russian on creating and automating sales funnels, collaborates with Brian Tracy (a world-renowned business trainer, author of self-development bestsellers), and develops educational courses on personal branding in English.

    Thanks to this knowledge, I have gained a deeper understanding of business processes and found new growth points. This inspires me to implement effective strategies for building a personal brand, allowing me to stay ahead and achieve success in both business and personal life.

    What significant challenges did you have to overcome on your path to success, and what achievements do you consider most important?

    One of the challenges was adapting to changing tax and banking regulations in Cyprus, especially during the financial crisis of 2012-2013. We also faced the necessity of implementing digital technologies and online banking to improve our services. The most significant achievements for me include maintaining the company during tough times like financial crises and pandemics when economic stability was threatened. It's important that we managed not only to preserve jobs but even to increase them and expand the business. This clearly demonstrated our ability to adapt and respond effectively to challenges. I am proud that we not only kept our company but made it stronger.

    What motivates you to continue developing and expanding your business?

    Of course, my family, my children, and my team, my employees. I strive to nurture them, take care of their future well-being, support them, and give timely advice. Their happiness and success are the main sources of my motivation.

    How do you balance successful business management, raising four children, and maintaining your status as a well-known media personality? What is the secret to this balance?

    This requires precise planning, organization, and support from the team. It’s important to find a balance between business and family responsibilities, optimize time, and prioritize. This allows me to be effective in each role. And of course, sports play a significant role in my life. Every day at 6 a.m., I am already in the gym working with a personal trainer. This helps to stay in shape and gain energy and strength.

    Also, the ability to delegate is very important. I believe that everything can be delegated! Especially during the active scaling phase of the company. The sole focus should be on business growth and income – that is my life theorem. I never skimp on staff, trying to delegate many tasks, especially routine ones. I prefer to "overhire than underhire." This also applies to household management, where I have three nannies and additional staff for house maintenance. This allows me to enjoy life, spend more time with my family, and grow and scale my business, all while staying within my comfort zone.

    What plans and goals do you set for yourself and the company in the coming years?

    As the architect of my business and company leader, it’s important for me to strengthen our position in the international market and develop new areas such as investments and development. The latter is related to the growing demand from clients for real estate searches in various countries and cities.

    Also, let me share a "little secret for a big company" with our current and future clients. This year we are opening two physical offices in new countries. We are confident these are very promising locations. Our social media subscribers will be the first to know about this, so don’t miss the announcements!

    As a mother, I want to ensure a decent education for my children, provide them with the best opportunities for the future, help them choose the right goals, try themselves in different niches, and achieve success.
    And of course, it is important to simply be a happy person, travel a lot and interestingly, find joy in every day, and do what brings satisfaction and fills life with meaning.

    Anna Homenko, CEO of Fiduciana Trust, investor, entrepreneur with over 15 years of management experience.

    A graduate of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and Keele University (UK). She began her career in 2000 at one of the leading law firms, leading the legal and corporate affairs department, later becoming the CEO of IFG Trust (Cyprus) Limited, an international corporate and financial services corporation. In 2009, she started her own company. She earned her first million dollars at the age of 32. She is a recognized expert in fiduciary management, financial and tax planning. A mother of four children, her youngest daughter recently turned two. Her hobbies include international real estate investments, sports, home aesthetics, and interior design. She is actively involved in charity work.

    Photo is from personal archive of Anna Homenko 

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