
Great Place To Work® is the global authority on workplace culture. With a presence in 90 countries, it surveys, every year, 10,000 companies and uses these survey insights to define what makes a great workplace experience.

It helps organizations quantify their culture and produce better business results by creating a high-trust work experience for all employees. The certification badge and recognition practices help companies showcase their workplace culture and enhance their employer branding.

For HR leaders, there are few milestones that hold as much pride as becoming Great Place To Work-Certified™. It signals to the world that they have created a company culture that employees love.
When you become Certified, you earn more than just a shiny badge.

These are the 5 reasons why companies choose to become Great Place To Work-Certified™.

1. Recruit top talent and increase your offer acceptance rate

Recruitment and especially attracting top talent is increasingly becoming a major challenge especially in some industries. Improving the company’s Employer branding is now essential. The globally recognized Certification badge acknowledged as the most credible accreditation of premium employers is an invaluable asset for the Employer branding.

Great company culture is now a prerequisite for job seekers. They are using Certification to help them validate employer claims and weigh up job offers.

Certification signals that current employees endorse their organization’s culture and leadership. It tells candidates that employees feel supported and would recommend their workplace to others.

Great Place To Work customers who have been creatively using the certification badge in their communication mix confirm that both the quantity and quality of interest and applicants interested in their job openings increases.

Great Place To Work will celebrate and showcase your success on its social media platforms and in cooperation with its media partners, The Phileleftheros Group.

Every Certified company earns a profile presence on the Great Place To Work website. You can share company details and any other recognition earned on the Best Workplaces lists. Certified companies often link to their profile from their careers page to provide third-party validation of their exceptional company culture.

2. ​Measure and improve your company culture against specific metrics

Certification depends mostly on the results of your Trust Index™ survey – the industry standard for measuring employee experience.

Upon collecting your employee survey responses, you will receive an in-depth analysis of your company culture. You’ll get insight into areas such as perceived fairness, feelings of belonging and perception of leadership.

The survey analysis step in Certification gets you inside the heads of your people and will give you a clear view of your culture strengths and areas of opportunity. Experience demonstrates that the analysis encourages and facilitates companies to embark on a continuous improvement process. Once your company is Great Place To Work-Certified, you will automatically be considered for inclusion in its Best Workplaces lists. Successful recognition on these lists creates more opportunities to stand out as a top employer.

3. Build employee pride

All employees want to be part of something special. Getting Great Place To Work-Certified builds pride among your workforce.

People are who you tell them they are. If you tell someone they are great and worthy, they’re going to aspire to be great and worthy. If you continue to tell your team members you are a great place to work, they will continue to make your company a great place to work.

Raising awareness of your Certification among current employees is akin to promoting your company values, mission, and culture. Certification reinforces that you are a company that cares. A company that puts people first.

Because employee opinions dictate the results – it’s a reminder that, yes, your company is a great place to work. Earning Certification is a cause to celebrate – a reason to thank your employees. So, rally your team around this win and celebrate – Great Place To Work has many ideas to help you do this.

4. Add more value to your corporate image

Companies share the news of their Certification success with key stakeholders, such as customers, suppliers, and partners. This effectively demonstrated to them that the company has a positive workplace culture, and this positively impacts the way the company does its business and interacts with its stakeholders

5. A low cost and simple to manage process

All these benefits are the result of a low-cost process – a tiny fraction of the payroll cost. Being a digital process makes the work input on behalf of the customer minimal. The designated Customer Success Manager assigned to each customer makes sure that this is a trouble free, efficient and enjoyable journey.

As you can see, recognition is just the cherry on the sundae with Certification. Make your employees proud, recruit top talent and find gaps in your HR policies.

To learn how to get Great Place To Work - Certified™ visit www.greatplacetowork.com.cy or call at 22 364 777.

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Materials are presented by Great Place To Work®

Кабинет министров Кипра одобрил законодательство о внедрении на Кипре европейской голубой карты – аналога американской грин-карты в странах Евросоюза. Схема по выдаче такого типа ВНЖ направлена на поощрение переезда в Евросоюз высококвалифицированных работников – граждан третьих стран.

«Предлагаемые изменения направлены на принятие более гибких рамок для въезда и проживания высококвалифицированных работников из стран, не входящих в ЕС. Вводятся более гибкие условия прибытия в страну, расширенные права, облегчение передвижения и работы внутри всего Евросоюза», – пояснил министр внутренних дел Константинос Иоанну.

Высококвалифицированными считаются работники, получившие высшее образование по учебной программе продолжительностью не менее трех лет. Также к ним относятся менеджеры и специалисты в сфере информационных и коммуникационных технологий с трехлетним профессиональным опытом в течение семи лет, предшествовавших подаче заявления.

Голубая карта действует в 25 странах ЕС, то есть по всему блоку, кроме Дании и Ирландии.

Подробнее о программе по ссылке.

О том, на каких условиях программа предоставления голубой карты реализуется в других странах ЕС, можно прочитать здесь.

Текст подготовлен по материалам Cyprus Mail

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Инновации на Кипре: сотни стартапов, тысячи исследователей и бизнесменов


Инновационная программа по обучению гостеприимству появится в начальных классах кипрских школ. К такому соглашению пришли Кипрская ассоциация отельеров, Министерство образования и Подминистерство туризма.

Учебная программа «Мое гостеприимство» (греч. «Филоксения му») была разработана Гостиничной палатой Греции в сотрудничестве с HOTREC, чтобы познакомить учеников с концепцией гостеприимства, предпринимательства, принятия и инклюзивности, инновационного и экологичного развития гостиничного бизнеса. Она поможет в первом знакомстве с профессиями сферы туризма и с возможностями карьерного роста. Лицензию на преподавание этой программы в школах Кипра передало Кипрской ассоциации отельеров Министерство туризма Греции.

Министр образования Афина Михаилиду выразила готовность своего ведомства воспользоваться преимуществами этой программы и в ближайшее время приступить к процедурам ее адаптации под кипрскую специфику и к внедрению в школы.

Глава Подминистерства туризма Костас Кумис, в свою очередь, подчеркнул необходимость преподавания аналогичной программы и в старших классах. Он отметил, что Министерство образования и Подминистерство туризма совместно установят контакты с Министерством образования, конфессий и спорта и Министерством туризма Греции для обмена опытом в этом направлении.

Председатель Кипрской ассоциации отельеров Фанос Михаилидис поблагодарил министра образования и главу Подминистерства туризма за большой интерес, который они с самого начала проявили к интеграции программы «Мое гостеприимство» в школы Кипра. По его мнению, это поможет устойчивому развитию туризма, значительно расширит горизонты и возможности нового поколения, одновременно способствуя пониманию и усвоению концепции гостеприимства как такового.

Текст подготовлен по материалам «Филелефтерос».

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Всего 14% поверхностей крыш промышленных объектов на Кипре используется под фотоэлектрические панели. К такому выводу пришло исследование с участием преподавателей из лимассольского университета Frederick.

Работа была выполнена исследовательской группой по устойчивой энергетике университета Frederick под научным руководством профессора Париса А. Фокаидиса. Ученые изучили спутниковые снимки 12 промышленных зон Кипра, оценив их способность генерировать энергию с помощью установленных на крышах промышленных объектов фотоэлектрических систем. Оценивались доступная площадь поверхности, уклон и ориентация крыш. Также были приняты во внимание метеорологические данные и существующие технологические возможности фотоэлектрических систем.

Более широкая установка фотовольтаики на крышах промышленных зданий может внести значительный вклад в сокращение выбросов парниковых газов и производство энергии из возобновляемых источников. Согласно результатам работы, потенциал поверхностей промышленных крыш может покрывать до 19% от потребности предприятий в электроэнергии и 2,7% от общего объема электроэнергии на Кипре. Однако сегодня реализуется только 14% этого энергетического потенциала. Авторы научной работы также предлагают конкретные меры финансовой поддержки установки фотоэлектрических систем на крышах промышленных предприятий с учетом долгосрочной выгоды для экономики Кипра.

Статья опубликована в научном журнале Energy Sources Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects.

График: Реальное и потенциальное производство энергии в разбивке по промзонам



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Инновации на Кипре: сотни стартапов, тысячи исследователей и бизнесменов

Кто получит субсидии на сокращение выбросов?

In this interview, George Xydas, founder of the Swissmed Health in Limassol, shares insights into his pioneering approach to longevity and personalised medicine. Opened last December, the clinic stands out in the European region for its unique focus on early detection, prevention, and treatment of aging-related issues. Delving into their holistic methodology, Xydas discusses the clinic’s comprehensive diagnostics, collaboration with leading labs, and a team of experts dedicated to personalized care. Swissmed Health’s approach is not just about treating diseases but enhancing life quality and extending health-span through advanced medical interventions.

Let’s discuss your new longevity clinic, a first of its kind in Cyprus, opened in Limassol last December. This clinic represents a shift in medical science from treating diseases to early detection and prevention, doesn’t it?

Indeed, we’re not just pioneering in Cyprus but also in the broader European region. Similar centers are in Germany, Switzerland, and the US, but ours is unique in the Mediterranean.

Our approach differs from traditional medicine, which usually diagnoses diseases based on symptoms. We focus on the underlying causes, taking a holistic view of the body. We personalize treatments for each patient, offering tailored medical interventions.

Could you elaborate on how you identify potential health issues? Is there a comprehensive body checkup involved?

Our process begins with advanced diagnostics, collaborating with leading labs in the US and Switzerland. We conduct thorough evaluations covering brain, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal health, genetic makeup, and environmental factors. This comprehensive analysis gives us a detailed health map for each individual. Based on these findings, we develop a personalized medical plan tailored to the patient’s unique genetic profile.

Who are the experts interpreting the results of your diagnostics?

Our team includes four full-time licensed medical doctors, each specialized in a different field, yet retrained to view patients holistically. We also collaborate with global medical leaders, providing insights for unique cases and conditions.

Could you describe the clinic’s role in Limassol and how it compares to international counterparts? What inspired this concept?

Our clinic’s concept is twofold. For 25 years, we’ve treated complex conditions, and in the last three years, we’ve closely followed global longevity research, focusing on slowing, stopping, or reversing aging. We noticed a gap in clinical longevity implementation within the European Union, as there are no clinics specializing in this area with medical interventions.

Comparatively, we could be likened to certain clinics in Switzerland providing mostly lifestyle treatments. However, while they focus on nutrition, sleep, exercise, and lifestyle, we delve deeper, incorporating these aspects but also engaging in direct medical interventions. We address the pillars of aging, offering a more comprehensive approach to longevity.

What are the seven pillars of aging?

The seven pillars of aging start with genetics, our DNA. The second is epigenetics, how environmental factors such as toxic substances affect us. Thirdly, we consider inflammation. The fourth pillar is mitochondria, essential for energy. Fifth comes cell regeneration, closely tied to stem cell therapies. The sixth is senescent cell apoptosis. Our body sheds cells daily, but not all are efficiently removed. These lingering senescent cells can lead to various conditions, including cancer. Lastly, the seventh pillar is telomere extensions. Telomeres, located at chromosome ends, shorten as we age. These seven pillars collectively encapsulate the key aspects of aging. Of course, as research on aging reversal continues, new studies are published frequently on new reasons for aging and potential ways to decelerate the process, emerge.

How can we address aging? After diagnosis, do you work on slowing down the aging process?

Absolutely. Our approach to life extension starts with addressing diagnosed or undiagnosed conditions, with or without symptoms. Initially, we focus on resolving present issues. Following this, we guide our patients on a path towards long-term longevity, aiming to live a healthier life today, and decelerating the aging process.

We utilise specialized diagnostics to monitor the aging process. Biological clocks assess biological age irrespective of chronological age. Post-treatment, we reevaluate to see if the biological age has been reduced.

People often view such diagnostics and tests as expensive. Do you offer any packages for newcomers?

Indeed, we provide various packages, including comprehensive health assessments, personalized to each person, typically divided into core and enhanced categories based on personal goals. For longevity treatments, we offer a membership program for ongoing care. This memberships include doctor consultations, starting from monthly, to unlimited visits, deep detoxification programs, performance enhancement and options for diagnostics conducted once, twice, or three times a year.

What would be your flagship treatment? What would be really something that people will talk about immediately as soon as they visit the clinic?

Our Lifespan treatments that focus on proactive cognitive decline and performance enhancement. Research highlights the importance of early intervention in cognitive impairment prevention From age 35 onwards, individuals should consider preventive protocols for cognitive health.

Performance enhancement varies per individual, encompassing sports, life, and hormonal health, including sexual health. Our cognitive health protocol and performance treatment plans are key elements in promoting longevity and lifespan. For health-span, we address conditions prevalent among our patients, such as autoimmune diseases, cancer, and other complex conditions.

What else do you want to mention in addressing the expat community of Cyprus?

There is a centre in Cyprus that brings Swiss personalized medicine to the forefront. Our treatments consider the body as a whole, rather than focusing on specific symptoms or generalised health approaches. We offer personalized medical services tailored to help individuals maintain their health, live longer, and improve their quality of life. Our goal is to ensure holistic well-being for a healthier, extended life.


Вторник, 23 января 2024 08:29

Jennifer Van Eyk: Precision Medicine – It Is Time

The Clinical & Translational Omics Symposium 2023 was held in Protaras on November 4-5th, 2023 It brought together researchers from the fields of Omics, including proteomics, metabolomics, and lipidomics, along with experts in bioinformatics and the application of artificial intelligence. These experts played a crucial in translating omics findings into clinical research and practice. We spoke with one of the leading international experts in the area of clinical proteomics, Dr. Jennifer Van Eyk Director of Basic Science Research at the Barbra Streisand Women's Heart Center, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, USA.

Could you explain, in simple terms, how advancements in clinical proteomics impact medical treatments and patient care?

Let’s first say a few words about Omics, in general. Lots of people don't know what proteomics is, although almost everyone does know what their genome.
The genome, or your DNA, can be thought of as a city map. If you had a map showing only the highways, streets and buildings, that's your genome. But, if you add to the map the roads and highways, with everybody's walking around, and the cars that are coming and going, then this dynamic city is the proteome. If you have an accident on one of your highways, then you have first responders come. That's how your proteins work inside the cells, they respond and change when you have a disease. So the proteome can be thought of as a highly responsive. That's really how proteins work – they are what brings the ‘city’ alive.

In proteomics we try to measure all proteins and also their cellular location and activity. Of course, we are not able to do everything. We wish we could, and that is why technology becomes so important. Today, the technology challenge is sensitivity. Trying to see a protein in a cell, is like sit on the rings of Saturn and look down into a room and figure out who is wearing glasses and who is not. It gets more complicated because if I look today and you're wearing a blue suit with glasses, but tomorrow, you might be wearing a brown suit with sunglasses. Proteins are like that, they can change. That's why it's so hard but it is what makes the “city” alive and proteins is what makes each one of us alive.

To come back to your question. How proteomics impact medical diagnostic and treatments – well, proteomics is impacing both sides. Proteomics helps to determine if you're sick, and it can tells you how you're going to respond to a drug. It will also tell you what your chances of survival are.

Today, you can take a little finger prick of blood, wick it up, and mail it to us for analysis using proteomics. Then, based on the proteomic we can tell how your are progressing over time. You don't have to go see your doctor. You can collect your blood sample anywhere; at home or if you're on vacation, or in a remote part of the world. As a consumer this will give you an ability to track your health and your wellness.

How might these advancements influence or benefit businesses in the healthcare sector or related industries?

There are lots of opportunities – from being able to help consumers to directly track their health, reduce the cost within a hospital or the medical system and help develop new drugs that you need. Based on remote blood sampling devices, maybe you can see how this technology can be combined with telehealth to reduce the cost of health care while providing better health service. It can mean that when you're doing drug trials, instead of having everyone come in physically to have a blood samples taken, the person can do it from home. Today it is normal in drug trials that the whole population is not represented, instead only a certain demographics are. Now with remote blood sampling devices, we can reduce that barrier, and have results from even populations that are rare, from different backgrounds.

Over the next 10 years, doctors and pharmacies will start to see proteomics impact diagnostics and availability of drugs. They may not see it in an everyday practice, but it is and will continue to happen. For business professionals, it will be important to understand in order to invest in proteomics and the diagnostics and drugs that come from proteomic research. This means that we need to have educational or awareness-building initiatives would you recommend bridging the knowledge gap in proteomics and its business applications?

Education is fundamental. It is important to science education throughout school including high school students come and work in people's labs. Science needs to be there discussed in every part of life. It is also important to allow opportunities to ask questions in both directions. Professionals on the investment side need to be able to ask questions so that they know where to invest. They should have the possibility to talk to scientists. As well, scientists should able to ask business professionals how to move an idea to a commercial produce. This needs to be a continuous discussion.

Science technology moves so quickly. Today what is possible to do in research or what the new instrument and technologies, 10-15 years ago might have sounded as though they were part of a fantasy movie? It is sometime unbelievable how fast science and proteomic technology is moving. For example, we have this great study, it is called Molecular Twin.

In Molecular Twin, we have started with pancreatic cancer and measured all of the omics including the proteome of blood and the tumor. It turned out measuring specific proteins in plasma can tell you how will have cancer return (reoccurance). This can be used to determine when compared to others with pancreatic cancer what were successful treatment and help develop new drugs.

Our goal of developing diagnostics is that every time a physician has to make a decision, or every time a patient has to make a decision, there is a diagnostic that can provide quantitative data to help with that decision making. Having a diagnostic that allows you not to just guess, which is horrible, but to give you a information that is specific to you. That is precision medicine. This is what inspires me the most – it’s challenging but it could change the medicine.

Jennifer Van Eyk, PhD, is an international leader in the area of clinical proteomics. Her lab has focused on developing technical pipelines for de novo discovery and larger-scale quantitative mass spectrometry methods. This includes multiple reaction monitoring (MRM, also known as SRM) and, most recently, data-independent acquisition. Dr. Van Eyk's laboratory is well known for the extreme technical quality of the data generated, rigorous quality control with tight % CV while applying these to key clinical questions. The aim is to maximize throughput and reproducibility. This will facilitate the transition of targeted and robust discovery methods into large-scale assessments of healthy populations and clinical-grade assays, focusing on brain and cardiovascular diseases.

Какой налог придется уплатить при покупке недвижимости на вторичном рынке Кипра, и как правильно рассчитать данный сбор – рассмотрим в статье.

Между покупкой новой недвижимости на Кипре и приобретением вторичного жилья существует фундаментальная разница в налоговых начислениях.

При покупке недвижимости, на которую еще ни разу не было оформлено право собственности, в стоимость объекта будет включен НДС. О видах НДС на сделки с недвижимостью и правилах их начисления мы писали ранее.

При повторной продаже недвижимости НДС уже не начисляется. Вместо этого, в момент перерегистрации права собственности в Департаменте земельного кадастрового учета покупателем должен будет уплачен титульный сбор (Property Transfer Fee).

Титульный сбор рассчитывается следующим образом:

покупка вторичной недвижимости 2024

Если покупка недвижимости не облагается НДС, то при расчете титульного сбора действует скидка 50%.

Стоит учесть, что самостоятельно рассчитать сумму титульного сбора получится лишь примерно, а рыночная стоимость недвижимости может существенно отличаться от цены, согласованной продавцом и покупателем. Точную рыночную стоимость недвижимости сообщат в Земельном кадастре, где ведется статистика по сделкам купли-продажи в каждом городе и районе Кипра.

Если право собственности на недвижимость переходит к другому лицу без финансовых обязательств между сторонами сделки, то титульный сбор рассчитывается следующим образом:

· От родителей к детям – 0% от рыночной стоимости недвижимости
· Между супругами – 0.01%
· Между родственниками третьей линии – 0,01%
· От подопечного попечителю – 50 евро

Статья подготовлена по материалам компании PwC.

Читайте также:

Специальный взнос на оборону: изменения в 2024 году

Жилье на Кипре стоит дешевле, чем в 2010 году?



Каким образом физические лица могут существенно сэкономить при покупке дома или квартиры на Кипре в 2024 году, и какие условия должны быть при этом соблюдены? Рассмотрим подробно.

В цену новых объектов недвижимости на Кипре включается налог на добавленную стоимость (НДС), начисляемый по стандартной ставке 19%. Однако, существует возможность применения льготной ставки в размере 5%, если приобретаемое жилье будет использоваться в качестве основного места жительства. При этом существует ряд условий, которые должны быть выполнены.

Льготная ставка НДС 5% может быть применена, если:

- Покупатель недвижимости является не юридическим, а физическим лицом.
- Приобретенная недвижимость станет основным местом жительства своего владельца на Кипре в течение, как минимум, ближайших 10 лет.
- У покупателя нет в собственности другой недвижимости на Кипре, приобретенной ранее с использованием льготной ставки НДС.
- Недвижимость не будет сдаваться в аренду или использоваться иным образом с целью получения дохода.

Правила начисления НДС по льготной ставке 5%:

- Ставка НДС в размере 5% применяется к первым 130 квадратным метрам жилья стоимостью до 350 000 евро.
- Общая стоимость недвижимости не должна превышать 475 000 евро, а ее площадь не может быть более 190 квадратных метров.

Вышеуказанные правила не применяются если разрешение на строительство недвижимости получено или заявление на него подано до 31 октября 2023 года, а соответствующая заявка на применение льготной ставки НДС отправлена до 15 июня 2026 г. В этом случае действует иное правило, а именно: льготная ставка распространяется на первые 200 квадратных метров площади недвижимости, независимо от ее цены и общей площади.

Продавать и сдавать – не ранее чем через 10 лет

Если покупатель отказывается от владения недвижимостью в качестве своего главного места проживания на Кипре ранее, чем через 10 лет с момента вступления в фактическое владение (например, продав недвижимость или сдав ее в аренду), он обязан в течение 30 дней уведомить об этом налоговый департамент и уплатить разницу между льготной и стандартной ставкой НДС.

Статья подготовлена по материалам компании PwC.

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Последовательные экономические кризисы на Кипре начиная с 2011 года, снижение покупательной способности населения и рост цен на золото стали факторами, которые вызвали рецессию на рынке драгоценных металлов. Об этом рассказал председатель Кипрской организации по маркировке изделий из драгоценных металлов (КОСАПМ) Йоргос Хаджипапас во время обсуждения бюджета организации.

Выступая перед парламентским комитетом по энергетике, развитию торговли, промышленности и туризма, Хаджипапас рассказал, что цены на золото стремительно растут. Стоимость килограмма до пандемии составляла около 42 тысяч евро, сегодня она достигает 62 тысяч.

На Кипре ювелирная отрасль не очень обширна. В стране зарегистрированы около 650 ювелирных магазинов, 250 производителей ювелирных изделий и 110 предприятий по продаже подержанных изделий из драгоценных металлов. Во всех учреждениях занято около пяти тысяч человек.

Сама организация КОСАПМ жалуется на дефицит бюджета. Рецессия на рынке драгметаллов повлияла на доходы организации, поскольку основным источником дохода остаются сборы за маркировку всех изделий из золота или серебра в готовом или незавершенном виде, а также за анализ сырья и золотых слитков. Бюджет КОСАПМ на 2024 год показывает дефицит в размере 206 тысяч евро. Общая выручка составит 600 тысяч евро, а общие расходы ― 806 тысяч евро. На 2024 год прогнозируется небольшое увеличение выручки. Сокращение производства и импорта ювелирных изделий за последние три года по причине пандемии ограничило существующий запас ювелирных изделий в стране, поэтому потребуется его обновление.

С 2009 года, когда во всем мире разразился экономический кризис, КОСАПМ сильно сократила свои бюджеты. Продажи изделий из драгоценных металлов показали значительное падение по всей Европе, главным образом из-за роста международных цен на золото и снижения покупательной способности потребителей. В 2010-2013 годах организация получала госдотации.

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С чем столкнется бизнес в 2024 году

The Health & Beauty Forum is the biggest event in Cyprus in the health and beauty industry, which will be held for the 11th time. The leading expert platform that brings together industry professionals, top beauty brands and setting industry trends. In 2024 a B2B section will be added. The organisers expect at least 2000 professionals to visit this part of the H&B Forum.


The Forum will take place in Parklane Resort & Spa in Limassol. An exhibition of goods and services will be organized there, presentations, seminars, lectures will be held in conference rooms while shows and lotteries will be held on the stage.


On Weekend 6-7 April, 2024, from 11.00 am.


Dozens of specialized companies working with more than 300 different brands will present their products among which are Lady Esthetic, Mesoformula, Holy Land Cyprus, Agenyz, Juederm, Arosha, Vavilova Medical Center, Sensonica, Body Bliss Beauty Studio, A.A.N Nature’s Aroma, Naipo Store, DoTerra, NSLAB.Cy, Cyherbia Botanical Park&Labyrinth, Herbalista Holistic Health&Wellness, Forever Living, Neovital and others.


Each year the forum hosts about B2C 3,000 visitors: from industry professionals to ordinary people interested in beauty and health topics. From 2024, 2,000 professional visitors are expected in the B2B section of the Forum.


Tickets can be bought on the website of the forum https://hbcyprus.com. There are also photos and videos from previous events available on the website.


There are three types of tickets: with one day access (18 euros), two day access (22 euros) and Professional ticket (32 euros). 50% discount applies to all tickets bought in January through the forum’s website. Tickets purchased online will participate in the lottery. The prizes include hotel stays, spas, dining at restaurants and, of course, hundreds of beauty products and vouchers for free health and beauty services.


Within the framework of the two days of the forum, B2C and B2B exhibitions and sale of goods and services, lectures, presentations, master classes, shows, competitions, professional panel discussions, meetings with opinion leaders are planned.

Forum visitors will be able to personally meet with doctors, representatives of medical and aesthetic clinics, consultants, manufacturers and distributors of cosmetics, nutritional supplements, vitamins, superfoods, natural products for children, skin, hair and nail care products.

During lectures and master classes, experts will help you understand current trends and evaluate the latest innovations, get a general idea of a variety of topics and individual advice in specific situations. Professionals will not only present new products and technologies in the field of beauty and health, but also conduct free trial medical and cosmetic procedures, distribute samples of their products, offer advantageous packages and significant discounts on their services.


There will be a kids’ corner with the entertaining and educational program from our partners such as Kartina TV, One Two Play store, Diamond Painting.


Tickets for the forum can be purchased in two ways - at the event itself on the day of the event or before the event – online. Buying tickets online has its undeniable advantages.

1. You can skip the line (there will be a lot of people at the forum). Once purchased online, an electronic ticket will be sent to the specified email address. You can print it out, or you can just show it at the entrance from your phone.
2. A ticket purchased in advance can be a wonderful gift.
3. There is a pleasant discount for buying tickets online.
4. To motivate you to buy a ticket in advance, the organizers have prepared a lottery for online ticket holders. The value of prizes is from 50 to 1000 euros.

You can buy tickets online on the website of the Health & Beauty forum via the link: https://hbcyprus.com/tickets.


For participation in the exhibition or a program of the event, representatives of companies can contact the organisers by phone 25 590530 or by e-mail Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.

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health beauty forum april 2023 56 1  health beauty forum april 2023 42 1

health beauty forum april 2023 27 1  health beauty forum april 2023 114 2

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