Combine Business Management Master Studies with Digital Marketing International Professional Diploma

  • Понедельник, 27 сентября 2021 12:40
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    In line with CIIM’s policy to bring best foreign professors, the Digital Marketing Track for the MBM - MSc Business Management has been designed in collaboration with the leading Digital Marketing professionals from abroad. Our Master students will qualify to receive the Professional Diploma in Digital Marketing issued by the Digital Marketing Institute (DMI) of Ireland The Digital Marketing Institute is the world’s leading professional institute in the field of Digital Marketing. Working closely with expert practitioners, the Institute promotes best current practice, theory and applied skills in Digital Marketing for individuals and organisations. The DMI's Professional Diploma is the most widely taught, industry-accredited qualification. We chose them as our partners to ensure that our students are receiving the most up-to-date information available during the training course.

    The Digital Marketing track is ideal for anyone involved in the planning, implementation and measurement of digital strategies. Combining a broadly based business degree – such as CIIM MBM (MSc in Business Management) - with the specialised knowledge in such a growing area as Digital Marketing is an excellent career opportunity for a recent university graduate. To quote Mr Ian Dodson, Co-Founder and Director of DMI, “all of the current innovation and thinking in marketing is happening through the various digital channels. At a time of uncertainty in the global economy, now is the time to develop a skill set in a field that is truly recession-proof.”
    The Digital Marketing skill set will open up new career opportunities for the postgraduate management students. There is an increasing demand in Cyprus and abroad for such professionals. Here at CIIM, we have been continuously receiving internship and job requests from local companies for the positions in the area of Digital Marketing.

    The use of digital media is becoming a must for all businesses as well as government and non-government organisations. Companies are looking for professionals with the market relevant skills and knowledge. While the job market in Cyprus remains depressed and in many professions the young graduates are struggling to get a job simply because companies prefer people with experience, the situation in the digital marketing job market is different.

    Companies begin to realise that young people today are naturally good at using social media, and they also understand better the way young consumers make their choices. This partially compensates for the lack of work experience, and therefore, a young graduate – provided that she or he possesses a credible degree and the right skill set – gets an excellent chance to be hired for a position in digital marketing.

    CIIM’s MSc Business Management is a rigorous Master programme which equips participants with an international standard of expertise in management aspects. The core courses cover the four main management functions: managing people, managing operations, managing finances and managing sales/marketing. Several specialisations tracks are available, besides the Digital Marketing, such as Entrepreneurship & Innovation, Oil&Gas Management, Healthcare Management, and General Management.

    The MBM of CIIM is accredited by the Cyprus Agency of Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education (CYQAA), recognised by the Cyprus Council of Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications (KY.S.A.T.S.), and ranked 21st in Western Europe by Eduniversal, the Paris-based global ranking agency in higher education (2018).

    We are now accepting applications for the academic year 2021/2022 – with full and partial scholarships available for qualified candidates from Cyprus and from abroad.

    Read more about the CIIM MBM Digital Marketing Track:

    Apply for admission to CIIM MBM by completing the application form found here, or by emailing Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. or by calling 77772446.


    By Dr Olga Kandinskaia, Director of the MBM - MSc Business Management Programme at the CIIM Business School

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