Social Media Marathon

Social Media Marathon

  • Вторник, 02 марта 2021 14:12
  • In March Vestnik Kipra organises its annual event - DMC-CY Conference. During one month its participants will have access to over 50 hours of useful content that are grouped by themes. This year the event will be held online.

    One block of seminars and workshops will assist participants who promote their products, services, businesses and personal brands through social media. All the events of this block are planned for Saturday the 27th of March.

    Eugenia Zagoruyko «Master your video content for Instagram»

    Key points:
    • What great Instagram video content is all about
    • Mistakes to avoid when making videos for Instagram
    • Tools and techniques for engaging videos and reels

    • Video formula that attracts more leads
    • 3 easy ways to create engaging reels
    • 25 highly engaging video ideas for your business

    Value/Long term effects:
    • Greater impact in the crowded online space
    • Speed up the like/trust factor
    • Increase in the amount of leads

    Petros Djakou «WeChat Marketing 101»

    An introduction into how to effectively use WeChat as a marketing and business development tool. This session will give you some fundamentals to tap into 1 billion WeChat users, understand how to grow your business online in China, and learn how to build stronger ties with your Chinese partners.

    Key Points:
    • WeChat as a useful tool: Swiss Army knife of Chinese Digital World
    • WeChat Official Accounts: Service Account (Services), Subscription Account (Content), Mini Program (website within WeChat, E-commerce, games)
    • WeChat Marketing for Foreign Companies: Moments/Banner/MP/ KOL, Advertising/Case Studies
    • WeChat Marketing for the Personal User: Moments, Stories, Mini Communities

    Recommendation: Install WeChat on your smartphone & Sign up. For participants to make the most of the session, they are expected to have an active WeChat account they can use during the event.

    Benoit St-Laurent «The best Web advertising platforms you should use in 2021»

    Intro: the state of online advertising in 2021 in all the uncertainties

    Facebook/Instagram Ads:
    - An overview of the advertising platform and how it works (who is it for?)
    - Essential Tips to succeed
    - The challenges ahead for 2021 for the platform

    Google Ads:
    - An overview of the advertising platform and how it works (who is it for?)
    - Google Search (with essential tips)
    - Youtube Ads (with essential tips)
    - The challenges ahead for 2021 for the platform

    Overview of some new upcoming online advertising platforms (TikTok Ads, Pinterest Ads, Google Shopping)

    Anthony Kyriacou «TikTok for Beginners»

    This seminar aims to introduce all features of TikTok to those who have just registered and plan to regularly upload their videos, creating their own brand.

    1. The TikTok algorithm and consistency
    • How does the algorithm work on TikTok?
    • What is the major difference between TikTok and other social media?
    Why consistency is important?
    • How often to post for the best results?

    2. Your niche and going pro
    • How to find and define your own niche?
    • What are important elements to succeed?
    • Why is it important to make a pro account?
    • How to use it to your maximum benefit?

    3. Timing is crucial
    • What is the optimal time length for your videos?
    • Who should focus on 15-sec videos, who will benefit from longer videos?
    • What a beginner should know about TikTok in order to have a fast and successful start?

    4. Lights, looks, camera, action, music, hashtags
    • How do you choose the right background and light?
    • How to dress for TikTok?
    • What hashtags should you use?
    • How do i choose the correct hashtags for me?
    • Should I use music or voiceover? Or both?
    • Why you should not delete your videos and what to do if you wish to get rid of some videos you have posted?

    Christina Doukouziani «Grow Your Business With The Power of YouTube»

    Key Points:
    • How to express yourself authentically on camera
    • How to choose smart video ideas, for your niche
    • How to attract new customer leads for your business through YouTube
    • How to double the views on your YouTube channel even if you have zero subscribers
    • How to use simple equipment to create videos with your mobile phone

    • Learn how to overcome the fear of camera
    • Know how to pick the right topics for your YouTube channel
    • Learn tactics to increase your views
    • Learn how to convert viewers into potential customers
    • Get started creating videos without breaking the bank in expensive equipment

    Value/Long term effects
    • Get ahead of your competition
    • Increase your credibility
    • Become a magnet of new customer leads

    Please fill in the registration form to register for the event. The cost of the thematic block is 60 euro (all seminars or some seminars of the block).



    If you would like to apply for one seminar only please email Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. (Mrs. Irina Patsalidou, Conference Coordinator). One seminar costs 35 euro.


    To pay by credit card please press the button "Pay Now" and choose one of the options: SEMINAR FEE €35 or THEMATIC BLOCK FEE €60.

    pay now


    To pay by PayPal please press the button "Buy Now".


    We would like to bring to your notice another thematic block of the DMC-CY Conference: 





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