How will Cyprus compete for investment in a disrupted world?

  • Среда, 25 января 2023 12:59
    • Photo: Julia Avanesova Photo: Julia Avanesova

    EY Cyprus Attractiveness Survey 2022 shows that Cyprus needs more investment in infrastructure projects, skilling and re-skilling of the local workforce and introducing new regulations to keep pace of developments. Technology, sustainability and talent remain high on the investors’ agenda.

    Planned investments in Cyprus (29%) for the next year, although higher than in our previous survey of 2020, still remain well below the European average (53%). In contrast, attractiveness projections for the next three years remain optimistic and closer to the European average.

    Cyprus would primarily be considered by investors for supply chain and logistics operations (35%), followed by sales and marketing offices and activities (24%), and headquartering (14%). It is also the first time the FDI intent includes manufacturing activity (7%).

    Investors consider telecommunication and digital infrastructure, offering a good quality of life, and favorable corporate taxation as the most attractive criteria to invest in Cyprus. Investor responses reflect that Cyprus could do better in creating a more entrepreneurial, less bureaucratic and less administrative culture, and be more supportive of startups, the high-technology industry and SMEs. Investors’ perception is that Cyprus should concentrate its efforts on providing the means for regulation to keep pace with technological and other developments, to continue investing in major infrastructure projects, and that Cyprus needs to do more to advance education, skilling and reskilling, and facilitate access to talent.



    Research & development investments

    R&D activity in Cyprus, in 2020, was estimated at around 0.82%25 of the country’s GDP, with only 0.5% of the active population engaged in R&D activities. Cyprus’ R&D-related GDP share continues to be considerably lower than its European counterparts (EU average of 2.2%).


    R&D investments by sector (2019)



    Does your company have plans to establish or expand operations in Cyprus over the next year?



    In your view, where should Cyprus concentrate its efforts in order to maintain/improve its competitive position in the global economy?

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    What type of investment project does your company want to establish or expand in Cyprus?



    In your opinion, which main business sector will drive Cyprus’ growth in the coming years?



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